Historical Engineering
Void Clipper
The Astrosailing Business
A business plan for the space sailing, space mining & forward-in-time travel company. Available upon request.
Business Plan (Extracts):
Non Proprietory Appendices
APPENDIX C: Professor John Slough, “The Plasma Magnet Phase I” (2004) Page 81
APPENDIX E: Professor John Slough, “The Plasma Magnet Phase II” (2006) Page 148
APPENDIX F: Alex Tolley “Wind Rider A High Performance Magsail” 2021, an essay summarising a presentation by Brent Freeze to the American Astronomical Society Division of Planetary Sciences Page 234
APPENDIX G: Doctor Brent Freeze, "Jupiter Observing Velocity Experiment (JOVE): Introduction to Wind Rider Solar Electric Propulsion Demonstrator and Science Objectives" February 2022 Page 272
APPENDIX H: Jeff Greason, “A Reaction Drive Powered by External Dynamic Pressure” Page 283
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